EFFIA, the smart move !
EFFIA’s mission is to facilitate travel. We place our business at the very heart of mobility issues.
We provide on-street and off-street parking management solutions for our public and private clients (communities, train stations, hospitals, shopping centres, etc.).
We always ensure that our car parks are tied to the local economy and are part of a digital journey, thus providing our end customers an ever more fluid experience.
EFFIA’s network is growing year on year. Today we manage nearly 600 car parks, making us a leading parking player in France and Belgium.
Our DNA: mobility, services and customer proximity
Parking, an essential link in the mobility chain
Urban mobility is changing. Car trips are regulated within city centres to limit congestion and pollution. As a stakeholder within the parking sector, EFFIA supports these changes with a view to becoming more than a mere vehicle storage facility. Car parks are gradually being transformed to fit into the mobility chain in alignment with Keolis Group’s vision.
EFFIA implements alternative solutions to the traditional use of the car in order to promote the multi-modal nature and complementarity of parking with public transport networks, car sharing, carpool and “soft” modes of transport.
Our references
Many cities or urban communities trust us to manage their parking needs.
A leader in train station parking, EFFIA works on behalf of SNCF Gares & Connexions and SNCF Réseau.
EFFIA also has expertise with hospital parking. We implement a special approach for these types of institutions, taking into account the particular needs of the various users (medical staff, patients, visitors, etc).
EFFIA also occasionally works with private landlords, shopping centre managers and real estate developers who are looking for professional expertise in terms of sizing, financing or operating parking spaces..
Arc 1950 - The Village
The EFFIA Car Park located at the Arc 1950 station contributes to the image of the Village, is a reference car park. It is an integral part of the life of the village: it is at the same time the first point of welcome for our customers and an area for interchange between our suppliers, merchants and staff. Since 2016, EFFIA has been able to bring its expertise in terms of customer proximity and service offerings. Today we work in perfect collaboration with its teams and local economic partners, such as for The European Film Festival.
Nathalie GUIDON. Executive Director
Opéra de Massy
Le parking EFFIA de l’Opéra est un des moyens d’accès privilégié des spectateurs. Nous travaillons en totale transparence avec les équipes du parc : à chaque demande de réservation de salle, je fournis systématiquement les coordonnées du responsable aux entreprises souhaitant organiser des événements à l’Opéra. EFFIA a su nous conseiller afin d’améliorer notre proximité client et l’offre de services, comme par exemple pour l’installation du valideur dans le hall de l’Opéra.
Emmanuel PEREZ, Responsable accueil et développement
Ville de Lorient
Il y a une véritable écoute des attentes et besoins de la Ville, dans le cadre de relations humaines chaleureuses et conviviales.
Une vraie complicité s’est installée entre les différents interlocuteurs d’EFFIA et des services de la Ville. La volonté d’EFFIA est d’établir un partenariat sur la durée avec son client.Jean-Marc LE GOFF, Directeur de l’espace public
Management team
Isabelle MURRY
Secretary General
Tender & Contractual relations Director
Frédéric BANCHET
Techical Director
Marketing and Customer Experience Director
Human Ressources Director
Directeur Régional Nord-Est et Diversification
Rhône-Alpes Area Operations Director
South Area Operations Director
Emmanuel SAVRE
Paris Area Operations Director
Western Area Operations Director
Administrateur Délégué Mypark
40 years of experience
1977Launch of
the parking
activity -
becomes SCETA
Park -
1998SCETA Parc
joins EFFIA
> 7,800 parking spaces < -
2002ISO 9001
> 12,000 parking spaces < -
2004Launch of the Resaplace
service and creation of
the Customer Service department -
2006First Customer
Satisfaction Survey
> 45,000 parking spaces < -
2008Launch of the
Ecosite label
> 57,000 parking spaces < -
2010merger with
Keolis Group
> 79,000 parking spaces < -
2012EFFIA is ranked second
on the French market
> 107,000 parking spaces < -
2013First Multiservice
Automotive Area
> 115,000 parking spaces < -
2015Acquisition of
Ramery Stationnement
> 148,000 parking spaces < -
with OnePark
> 152,000 parking spaces < -
2016Takeover of L2O
(specialist water-based
vehicle cleaning) -
2017Acquisition of
Alfapark in Belgium
> 175,000 parking spaces < -
2017Acquisition of
Parkeren Roselaere
in Belgium -
201811 decriminalized
on-street parking won
> 210,500 parking spaces < -
2019Acquisition of
Mypark in Belgium