EFFIA capitalises on more than 40 years of know-how in the operation and maintenance of car parks.

We offer our expertise on rehabilitation projects and on the design/construction of new car parks.

EFFIA optimises the economic performance of the car parks entrusted to its management in order to maximise the fees paid to its clients. We offer support for all or part of the investments in a project to preserve the financial capacities of the latter.

On a daily basis, we deploy commercial actions in order to optimise revenues (special offers, partnerships, etc.) and we take care to control costs (pooling between several sites, energy savings, purchasing policy, control of construction costs, etc.).

EFFIA is dedicated to developing environmentally sustainable mobility. We are the only operator :

  • Deploying the first network of connected charging stations, monitored for electric vehicles (400 smart terminals interconnected via GIREVE) 
  • Owning a fleet of service vehicles made up of more than 40% electric vehicles

Some figures

50 M€
invested per year in construction and renovations
5 M€
invested in energy savings since 2010
launch of the Ecosite quality approach
car parks in
France and Belgium
load points
for electric vehicles

Rehabilitate, build and renovate

EFFIA has a multi-disciplinary technical management team with a proven knowledge of works oversight that functions independently of the building and public works companies. Thus, we are able to design car parks, to build them, to renovate them, to preserve listed heritage sites while bringing them up to current standards if necessary. We do this by following rigorous requirements in terms of quality, cost control, deadlines and limiting nuisances for customers.

EFFIA is on strong financial footing and invests an average of €50 million per year in building, renovating and upgrading car parks.


Day-to-day operations

Since 2002 EFFIA has been committed to a national quality approach, unique in the profession. All car parks are currently ISO 9001 certified by AFAQ.

An internal repository of 450 control points and 40 guidelines and procedures enable us to provide our customers with a consistent service quality level.

Among these security checkpoints, focus is also placed on cleanliness and the car park information desk:

  • our operating teams are trained and supervised by experienced managers,
  • our sites are designed in full compliance with rules governing town planning, security and accessibility, in accordance with current standards.

In order to ensure quality control on our sites, annually we carry out

  • mystery shopper surveys,
  • audits on approximately 40 sites per year
  • subject to a national satisfaction survey
  • quarterly reports on the indicators monitored (breakdowns, customer complaints, audit discrepancies, etc.)