Offre abonnement résident
Profitez d'un abonnement résident à prix réduit pour ce parking ! Pour savoir si vous êtes éligible à cette offre, découvrez les zones de Grenoble concernées selon nos parkings, en cliquant ci-dessous.
50 av du Maréchal Randon, 38000 GRENOBLE
Upon your arrival
The barrier opens, your license plate is recognized
Collect your pre-paid ticket at the entrance kiosk
Park in a free space of your choice.
If the barrier does not open, your license plate cannot be read
Enter your access code on the keypad entry of the access terminal to issue your prepaid ticket and validate (press the "V" key on the keyboard);
Take the issued ticket;
Park at a free parking space of your choice.
At your departure
Your license plate is recognized, the barrier opens.
If the barrier does not open
Insert your prepaid ticket into an exit terminal;
If you have exceeded the scheduled time of departure, you will be asked to pay an additional amount at the terminal. Pay by credit card.
GRENOBLE, 38000, rue Raoul Blanchard,
GRENOBLE, 38000, 12 Rue de Belgrade,
GRENOBLE, 38000, Rue François Raoult,
Do you need more information about a reservation, a subsciption or
our other services, Visit the FAQ