Parking gare de Villiers Neauphle P1 P+R - EFFIA
Rue de la gare, 78640 VILLIERS ST FREDERIC
Need to park close to the TGV station?
The EFFIA parking lot at Villiers Neauphle P1 P+R station is just 3 minutes from the station. This parking lot allows you to move around with peace of mind and your vehicle in complete safety.
Need to park close to the TGV station?
The EFFIA parking lot at Villiers Neauphle P1 P+R station is just 3 minutes from the station. This parking lot allows you to move around with peace of mind and your vehicle in complete safety.

Carpark entries
Standard reservation
Access with reservation (Standard)Upon your arrival
- Enter your access code on the keypad entry of the access terminal to issue your prepaid ticket;
- Take the issued ticket;
- Park at a free parking space of your choice.
At your departure
- Insert your prepaid ticket into an exit terminal;
- If you have exceeded the scheduled time of departure, you will be asked to pay an additional amount at the terminal. Pay by credit card.
Opening hours
MondayFrom 0:00 to 23:59TuesdayFrom 0:00 to 23:59WednesdayFrom 0:00 to 23:59ThursdayFrom 0:00 to 23:59FridayFrom 0:00 to 23:59SaturdayFrom 0:00 to 23:59SundayFrom 0:00 to 23:59Public holidayFrom 0:00 to 23:59
On site prices
Hourly rates
- 15 minutes 3.00€
- 30 minutes 3.00€
- 1 hour 3.00€
- 3 hours 3.00€
- 6 hours 5.50€
- 12 hours 5.50€
- 24 hours 11.00€
- Additional slices 12 hours 5.50€
Fixed prices
- Forfait - 1 mois 99.00€
- Forfait - 7 jours 44.00€
Prices available without prior reservation.Payment methods
- CB
- Prélèvement automatique
- Espèces
- Carte TOTAL Mobility
Subscriptions prices
- 7J/7 24H/24 - Standard 32.00€ /month
- Abonnement - 7J/7 24H/24 – Navigo passe mensuel 22.00€ /month
Nearest car parks
Parking gare de Villiers Neauphle P2 P+R - EFFIA
VILLIERS ST FREDERIC, 78640, Place de la gare,
Parking gare de Montfort-l'Amaury-Méré P2 - EFFIA
MERE, 78490, Place Louis Valtou,
Parking gare de Montfort-l'Amaury-Méré P1 - EFFIA
MERE, 78490, avenue du pigeon bleue,