Forfait Shopping
Stationnez à prix malin : profitez d'un forfait shopping à seulement 2,50€*
*Offre valable pour toute réservation de 3 heures de stationnement, tous les samedis entre 10h et 20h, faite sur effia.com
34, rue Verte, 76000 ROUEN
Be within easy reach of the Gare de Rouen's platforms by parking your car in the EFFIA car park - open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Be within easy reach of the Gare de Rouen's platforms by parking your car in the EFFIA car park - open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Unlimited entries and exits:
Enter and exit the car park as many times as you wish, during the duration of your reservation. Keep the ticket issued upon your first entry, it will be useful for all subsequent entries/exits.
Upon your arrival
At your departure
Upon your arrival
At your departure
ROUEN, 76000, 36-38, Rue Verte,
ROUEN, 76000, 43 bd Gambetta,
Do you need more information about a reservation, a subsciption or
our other services, Visit the FAQ